Sunday, June 19, 2011

lightness of being | thesis

The essential is invisible to the eye, one cannot see rightly but with the heart.”
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The snake, as it is, shown in side view, digesting the elephant, takes the shape of a hat. The drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. “Grownups” overlook the little details that are the essence of the object, and would say that there is nothing frightening in the image of a hat. What needed to be realized is that the frightening aspect of the picture is invisible. This puts forward the idea of the absent and unseen, and declares that there must be something that we have overlooked.
But clearly, what is invisible is invisible. And to insist on defining the nature of absence would be missing the point. Because it would be trying to define something that has been absented from the field of vision. It would be defined and made visible in order to say that it is absent, which is again useless.
For example: “The elephant is not seen in the picture”, says, by negation, that the elephant is not there. Such procedure of thinking goes against the whole purpose because it is only by opposition. It states that “absence” is standing in opposition to what is seen, or present.
This is why the thesis will simply put forward the hypothesis that there is a potential in the idea of absence in architecture. There is something of value in building to see the essence of what is not there. So the main question becomes finding a way (methodology) to explore this phenomenon of absence.

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